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Solar Panel Installation for Educational Sector in Ireland

Our Solar Solutions for educational sector will not only help the schools / universities to achieve their sustainability goals, it will also empower the schools to educate the students about renewable energy with live monitoring system which displays live performance data in an interactive way.

The benefits of using Solar Solutions include


Environmental Benefit

Solar power is the cleanest, most viable form of renewable energy available and plays a vital part in reducing your carbon footprint


Education & Engagement

Being able to communicate with the students the benefits of renewable energy through a working example of Solar PV system in their own school will provide more direct engagement in various subjects.


Reduces Operating cost

Schools & Universities can make significant savings on their electricity bills, allowing them to spend money on educational & recreational programs


Boost Enrolment

It helps the institutions to offer environmentally conscious practices, renewable power and eco-friendly facilities.

Nusolas - Solar PV Products for Education Sector

Some of the educational sectors where Solar Solutions from NuSolas can be used are:

Solar Panel Installation for School

Solar Panel Installation For College

Solar Panel Installation For University

Solar Panel Installation For Institute

Why Choose Nusolas For Solar panels in Academics?


School & Community Grants- Up To 50%

Schools & Universities Grants

Schools can avail of up to 50% funding through SEAI community grant scheme

Contact NuSolas team to find out more about this scheme.

Client Testimonials

School & University

Looking to get Solar Pv system for your school or university? or would like to get more information on how you can save on your electricity bill and spend the savings in providing an educational and recreational programme to your pupils?

Just leave your Name & Email address below and member of our team will contact you.

Area We Serve For Solar pv panels for Educational Sector in Ireland

We have a brilliant and well experienced team in County Clare. Solar Engineers and his team only focus on Solar Installation on Educational Sectors and be available 24/7 service. For any queries reach us through mail: info@nusolas.com or contact: +353 61 719 730 or you can directly visit our mentioned location at homepage.
We have an excellent team and trained experts on Solar panel Solutions for Educational purposes in County Limerick. They are available 24/7 for any service. You can ping us through mail: info@nusolas.com or contact: +353 61 719 730 or you can directly visit our mentioned location on the homepage.
We have a handy team specially picked for the Education sector, providing you the best installation and service available at any time. You can reach us through mail: info@nusolas.com or contact: +353 61 719 730 or you can directly visit our mentioned location on the homepage.
We have a skillful team of the best Solar designers and coordinators specialized in Educational Solar panel installation in County Tipperary. Our team remains available at any time for the best service. You can reach us through mail: info@nusolas.com or contact: +353 61 719 730 or you can directly visit our mentioned location on the homepage.
We have an experienced team of Solar panels installation in education sector in County. Our team remains available at any time for solar service in and around County Kerry. You can reach us through mail: info@nusolas.com or contact: +353 61 719 730 or you can directly visit our mentioned location on the homepage.

How Can Solar Panels Benefits School, Colleges, Academics & University?

Gradually Reduce Energy Cost

First and foremost, the reason for solar panels usage in the educational sector is to reduce electricity bills. And it happens as schools, colleges, Universities runs on day only and they utilize maximum energy during the day when the panels are generating electricity.

Improve Education & Engagement

The solar panel's structure itself is quite interesting and attractive. So that student gets fascinated and engaged to learn about solar panels in practically and theoretically.

Save Money While Protecting Planet

Solar implementation in the educational sector invites an Eco Friendly and healthier environment. It can reduce dependency on outsourced fuels, limit greenhouse gas emissions, and shrink your carbon footprint.

Secure Your Future Energy

By the upcoming year, solar will become a more famous source of energy for electricity production in the world. This will also have a positive effect on the environment, climate, and generation.

Achieve a Healthy ROI

In the first year, the academic sector will find 20% ROI. Profit may vary for every individual and solar system. Even it depends on the area where the electricity cost is more and the usage of solar.

Create a Competitive Advantage

Students can improve their skills by checking solar power performance, the effect of energy output, production of electricity, and compare the monthly electricity bills.

Our Partners

We partner with the best solar brands in the market to provide you with the best solar experience

Q Cells
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FAQs – Solar Panels for Education Sector

  • What is the use of solar panels in the educational sector?

    Solar panels are eco-friendly, ideal for reducing energy bills, and also have social and cultural impacts.

  • How many solar panels are required to power a school?

    The power consumption and requirements of the school could decide the number of solar panels needs to install. Generally, to generate 300 kilowatts of power needed to install 900 to 1,200 panels.

  • Why should schools, colleges, & universities install solar panels?

    When students see schools, colleges, and universities taking steps to go green and reduce their carbon footprint, it could easily affect the student’s presence decision and result in higher enrollment numbers for the school.

  • Can schools get funding for solar panels?

    Yes!  Most country’s local and state governments permit PPA (power-purchase agreements) that allow schools to install solar panels without paying any up-front costs. In this agreement, a third party owns and installs the system and sells the electricity that the solar panels generate directly to the school.

  • How much is a solar panel for school?

    It cost about 1703.09 and 3406.19 euro respectively per school. Generally, 1KW to 2KW systems can provide power for 10 to 20 classrooms respectively.

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