Solar Calculator

18 Oct 2020

Benefits of Solar to commercial sector

In the last decade or so, the number of green businesses has seen a sharp surge— one reason is the significant advancement in technology, which has decreased the equipment and installation cost. Another driving factor is that several commercial units, including businesses, schools, factories, and shops are all taking concerted action to maximise their social and environmental effects. 

Benefits to businesses?

Companies have realised how solar arrays empower them to build community goodwill, boost their stakeholder perceptions, save energy costs, and get a good ROI. If you’re considering commercial solar panel installation in the upcoming times, you’re definitely investing in a clean, green, and financially viable future for your business— Here’s how it can benefit you immensely. 

Offset your electricity expenses

Generally speaking, factories, schools and business establishments have higher power consumption in comparison to the residences. With the solar panel installation, you can easily compensate for these expenditures. This is going to boost the bottom line and help you stay ahead of the competition.

Summers are generous and extended in this part of the planet (especially south-east Ireland)— which implies more time to harness your solar power and save on conventional power sources.


Become self-sufficient

Deploying a solar power system in your commercial complex will make you a self-sufficient, energy-producing organization. This will also proactively safeguard you from the overheads that may arise due to the rise in the electricity costs. 

Add value to your property

Commercial buildings having solar panels command a high price in the market. Also, if you intend renting your office property, Solar PV Panels are likely to get you a significant jump in the rent value.

Reduce your carbon footprint

With the threat of climate change looming large, reduction in the carbon emissions is the need of the hour— The onus lies on the companies and big establishments to take the lead. Since Solar power is a clean and renewable power source, with Solar PV Panels deployment, you can nil your carbon footprint, earn goodwill, and do your bit for the planet.

NuSolas Energy is an SEAI (Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland) certified solar installation company serving nationwide with a team of highly experienced and qualified installers managing solar panel installations— serving commercial, residential, and agricultural requirements.

To know more, you may visit our website at https://demo.pixerio.com/nusolas.